Volunteer Opportunities

Spring is almost here and that means it’s baby bird season at Wings Rehab in Amherstburg.

If you’re looking to give back to your community or need volunteer hours, Wings Rehab needs your help.

Working under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Canadian Wildlife Services, Wings Rehab takes all wildlife that needs their help.

From possums to pigeons, turtles, racoons and deer, Wings is there to help injured or abandoned animals that need assistance.

If you are twelve or older and would like the opportunity to learn more about wildlife in your area while helping out a great cause, Wings Rehab is the place to go.

For more information contact Jenn or Nancy at 519-736-8172.

Or visit their website at www.wingswildlifecentre.com

For information click here to visit their website, or contact your local chapter. 

Employment Opportunities

If you are looking for work and need help call Chuck Taylor at 519-254-1445 ext. 222, or stop and see him at 61 Richmond unit 103.

Insight Advantage (the company that he works for) is funded by the province to help!

There is no cost to you so come for help with your resume, job search, interviewing etc.

Amherstburg office Monday, Thursday and Fridays 8:30 - 4:00.                                                                                                                                                                                             

Tues and Wed in Harrow at 45 King St E., Unit 108.